
Metamask: metamask transfer amount different to etherscan amount

Understanding Metamask Etherscan Transfer Igle difference

As a cryptocurrence enthusasist, you probally know poplar ballets and platforms uses to manage. Two of the most -used ones are Metamask and Etherscan. In this article, we in the difference in the amounts of the Ethereum tokens transfer whens thees, services. s.

standard transfer process

Wen buy the ERC-20 token on UNISWAP application account in Metamask’s character, you usually follow theroces:

  • You waill initiate a transfer by sending funds from the LEDGER account to the Ethereum network.

  • The transaction is a broadcast to blockcha and verfied by nodes on the web.

  • After confirming, the funds rechevel are deposited in the Metamascan portfolio.

Etherscan transfer amount

At Etherscan, when you the ERC-20 token using a book account in Metamask’s ballet, a slightly different process applies:

  • You will initiate transfer to Etherscan by Clicking the “Buy” button and specify the amount.

  • The transaction is a broadcast to blockcha and verfied by nodes on the web.

  • After confirming, the funds rechevel are deposited in the Metamascan portfolio.


The basic difference between thees two processes in the fees involved. Etherscan charges a small fee for transaction (0.25 ETH) for each transfer. This fee is a usually lower compared to the standard process in Metamask, in what do you do not charge any transaction fee.

Howver, itshuld bed, that some transactions may be additional fees from the platforms or services used in the portfolio. Nevertheless, wen comparing both services directly:

Standard transfer to Metamask (from the Ledger account):

  • Transaction fee: usually $ 0–10

  • Total transfer amount: 95-100% of the purchased token value

Etherscan Transfer to Etherscan (without Ledger account):

  • Transaction fee: 0.25 ETH (about 75 USD)

  • Total transfer amount: approximathely 85-90% of the purchased token value

As you can see, the difference in transactation is significant. This emphasizes an important issue wen choosing between thees for cryptocurrenes.


While both Metamask and Etherscan off the trouble -free -free integration with Ethereum tokens, thee are more differences in the transfer processes. When buying an ERC-20 token account on a platform souch as Metamask, you chand topayabout 95-100% ers. And visa, transactions made directly to Etherscan incur a it ityer transaction fee of the 75 USD. As always, it is necessary to carefully assesss related to each service and consister a touchdown of the decisions to the decision of whech.

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